about daN
What is your story of how you got here?
I love to hear these tales.
My story includes stumbling into a circle of quiet soul work, in a time of struggle and seeking direction. My twenty year marriage had ended, my beautiful daughters were emerging into adults, I felt a growing distance from my religious identity, and was no longer content in my career as a priest. In this tumult, I was inspired by the writings of the Quaker activist Parker Palmer, who soon became my mentor, friend and teacher in a lineage of soul work: “Circles of Trust”. I found something healing and liberating in these disciplined spaces.
As this unfolded, the amazing yogi Robyn came into my life. I made the decision, after some years of training as a facilitator, to launch out into freelance and to guide life changing encounters for others. For many years now, I have travelled around the world, guiding retreats for those who long for their true self: a greater awareness, authenticity, peace and joy. I love to bring together various practices that weave together solitude in community, journal writing, poetry, the art of open questions, wisdom narratives, imagery, art, movement, wisdom narratives, guided meditation and other methods. Robyn has joined me now and offers rich learning in the embodied healing of yoga, breathwork and meditation.
I have ongoing gratitude for the thousands of brave souls that have joined me for retreats! They come to free themselves from limiting beliefs, doubts, confusion and anxiety and to reignite their clarity, passion and wholeness. I have learned from their example.
We are avid sailors and love sharing with others our sailboat Anam Cara. As we spend time on the water, I continue to uncover new insights and awareness of the skills of traditional open ocean navigation. There is something transformative in the rich metaphors and stories of the wayfinding lineage. I honour my generous teachers who courageously voyage the Pacific and who bless me with their blessings to share what they have revealed to me.
In all the retreats I guide, I begin with a simple belief. The soul is real. I have no doubt. Each of us has a trustworthy inner navigator who has guidance and offers clear direction. Our true hearts know so much!! about how we got here, why we showed up, and what lies over the horizon, as the vision that leads us on.
I now imagine each retreat as a beach, on an island where voyagers have gathered for a few days to replenish and repair ourselves from the wear and tear of the ocean. Please sit down by the sacred fire with us. Rest. Sense the warmth of friends, taste the nourishing food, hear the sound of the breakers, see in the flames what you need to see. Speak your truth. Let those insights surprise you. Listen to others tell their wayfinding stories with all the twists and turns of experience.
When it is time to push off and brave the winds again, each of us will leave to sail with new skills, awareness, wisdom, courage and confidence for our long voyage ahead.
A bit more about me:
I'm a soulful guide: this informs my roles as a facilitator, a consultant, a coach, a community activist, a poet, an Anglican priest, and a founder of a housing co-operative. But I must also add that my life experience was enhanced over the years of my being a zoo manager, a contractor, a project manager, and a university instructor. I've also found it enriching to engage in political change and social justice work, to run for public office in two provincial elections and to help influence the public discourse.