Lenten Poetry
40 Poems: 40 Days of Lent
“Lent is seeing how to take steps into God’s future so that we are no longer defined by what is past and no longer distracted by what we have treasured or feared about the present.” Walter Brueggemann
Join me on Substack for a Lenten practice of daily poetic expression, reflections and evocative questions.
We begin on Wednesday Feb. 14, 2024.
For the forty days of Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday, I will be posting each day a new poem and prose reflection with questions.
You can use the posts for a journal writing practice or for a daily meditation session.
I’m grateful to accompany you, in this way, as you make your journey is this holy season for contemplation, awareness and renewal of our love.
“I imagine Lent for you and for me as a great departure from the greedy, anxious antineighborliness of our economy, a great departure from our exclusionary politics that fears the other, a great departure from self-indulgent consumerism that devours creation. And then an arrival in a new neighborhood, because it is a gift to be simple, it is a gift to be free; it is a gift to come down where we ought to be.” Walter Brueggemann