We have news to share!
“To everything there is a season”
We are making a life transition.
In March of 2011 we began an incredible journey with others in co-creating an intentional community. We believed in sustainability and a supportive village of people passionate about making a difference. RareBirds Housing Co-operative is the realization of this shared dream. We have loved living in this beautifully crafted home and supporting this incredible community of caring, committed people for over a decade of our lives.
Now we are responding to a new calling and a new chapter is emerging. As of December 1, 2021 we are surrendering our share and leaving this home. We offer our blessing to the new members who will come in our place, bringing their own gifts for this valuable endeavour. If you are curious about this lifestyle and this community, please contact us or any of the RareBirds. rarebirdshousing@gmail.com
In these past years we have honed new skills and developed gifts in relating, communicating and working together to forge significant change. We depart this community with a depth of understanding of how to live with and love others. There have been experiences of success and failure, joy and struggle and challenge and growth. We are grateful for taking this giant leap into the unknown and for being included in this incredible experiment.
Our plan is to unfurl our sails and voyage into uncharted waters. Rather than having a map that details the journey, we are trusting in the more ancient skill of intuition, sensing the waves, guided by the stars.
Our vision is to offer transformative experiences on a large sailboat on Okanagan Lake.
Dan offers soulful teachings and quiet reflective opportunities to discover inner wisdom and direction. Robyn brings embodied practices of yoga, breath, meditation and movement.
The boat, the water, the waves and the wind provide natural elements for healing, learning and renewal.
In the weeks ahead we will share more of this vision. We will offer invitations to join us in this new adventure.
More to come!